Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Although the mainstream media refuses to touch this subject, the big question following last night’s debate was who exactly was the elderly man who was seen wandering the stage during last night’s presidential debate in Nashville.
According to my sources in Nashville the old man was neither the actor Wilford Brimley nor was it the old man from “The Benny Hill Show.”

As viewers saw last night this man apparently either got up from his seat in the audience and started pacing around the stage, or he somehow someway slipped pass the Secret Service and was able to gain access to the studio where the live taping was taking place.

So far neither the event officials, nor the Secret Service have made any comment as to the identity of this man who was obviously very old and looked very much like a man in need of a good bowel movement.

This reporter will keep you informed as more details concerning this old man come to light.

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