Saturday, October 4, 2008


Can we all agree that post-debate analysis is essentially useless? Can we all agree that in the minutes after a debate they should just run old cartoons?
So far after every debate the “experts” have been wrong. In the immediate aftermath of the first debate they said McCain won. Then the instant polls came out and they were proven wrong.
After the VP debate everyone gushed over Sarah Palin. That is until the instant polls once again proved otherwise.

So what’s the problem here?
Basically it’s the debates themselves. If the post-debate analysis is useless then we must go forward and question the validity of the debates in the first place.

Here’s how it is.
I’m an Obama supporter. I will vote for him in November and every night I pray that he will turn this country around.
Now what this means is that when I watch the debates it really doesn’t matter what Barack says because everything he says is okay with me.
I’m sure John McCain’s supporters feel the same way. This means that if one of them comes out with 666 stenciled into their forehead and the other starts yelling obscenities we as their supporters are going to applaud everything they say and do. But of course the Obama supporters will point out how bad McCain is and the McCain supporters will gladly point out how bad Obama is. But our guy? He’s just great.

Is there anything redeeming about debates?
I guess it depends on the moderator and this is another beef I have towards debates. My feeling is that for the most part the average moderator on your average debate is the kind of person who thinks it’s very important to be fair. As a result one candidate could advocate the overthrow of the country and the moderator will not press them on this point for fear of being “biased.”

What’s my idea of a good debate? Just have the two participants get on stage and let them have it. None of this 5 minute rule and then a rebuttal nonsense.
If it turns into a shouting match a’la the Jerry Springer show then so be it. Or if it turns into a civil discussion between two intelligent and reasonable candidates then that’ll be even better.
In the end it will be democracy in action.
For better or for words.

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