Monday, October 13, 2008


When the great heavyweight champion Joe Louis was fighting at one point he was facing opponents once a month and he held such dominance over his various opponents that those boxers became known as members of the “Bums of the Month Club.”
Were the opponents of Joe Louis that bad or was Joe Louis that great? This is one of the questions boxing fans still argue about, and I predict that when this election is over and Barack Obama does win the big debate that political historians will ponder over was whether or not Barack Obama was one of the greatest political leaders in history? Or was his path to power made easier because of the ineptness of his political opponents?

First Hillary ran a bad campaign and now John McCain is making her look like she knew what she was doing.
Both opponents of Obama have strayed away from their original messages and they seem at a loss at how to deal with him.
The question of experience doesn’t seem to work, and you can’t use change because that’s Obama’s message, and you can’t even brag about being a Maverick because nothing spells maverick like a young Senator from Illinois who seemed to come out of nowhere.
So how does one beat Barack Obama? Well, like the owl said of the lollipop……. The world may never know.

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