Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The second debate has just ended and I think Obama won.
I think he won because McCain didn’t bring anything new to the table. There were no game changers on his behalf.
I did not hear anything new from McCain. The attacks he made on Obama were attacks made before.
Also, he didn’t bring up Bill Ayres which he and Palin have been talking about for the last few days.
I think that was a mistake because there’s like two different McCain’s.

I think the high-light for Obama came when he brought up McCain using the “Bomb, bomb Iran” song again.
I think that’s the best thing Obama can do because I think talking about that resonates with the voters. They understand how silly and dangerous it is when politicians do talk in that manner.

Why was McCain walking around the stage so much? Did people notice that?
And did you notice how much McCain was writing down on his notepad and at times reading from it?

BOTTOM LINE: No game changer from McCain. Thus, Obama wins.

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