When Jackie Robinson made his debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 there were a handful of his teammates------ mostly southerners, who at first all refused to play with a black player.
Now their reasons for not wanting to be on a team with Robinson were very interesting. For the most part none of them said that they, themselves did not want to play with Jackie Robinson. Instead, they said that if they did share a clubhouse with a black man then it would be very difficult to face their friends back home.
It is my opinion that “the Bubba vote” will go to Barack Obama despite all of the fears that racism will raise its ugly head in the form of the “Bradley effect.”
It will go to Barack Obama because at the end of the day Obama comes off as a nice guy. It might be over simplistic to use this phrase but it’s true.
Even conservatives concede the fact that Obama is non-threatening and if there’s any black man who Bubba would not mind if he was a neighbor------- or President, it would surely be a black man like Obama.
You see, in order to understand why Bubba will vote for Obama one must understand racism in America. One must understand that the reason 99% of racists are who they are is not because they are evil and despicable. Rather, racists are racists because of stupidity. Old fashioned ignorance, and if you meet that ignorance head on you do have a chance to change minds. Perhaps not all the way, but enough to move forward.
This is what Barack Obama has done throughout his campaign for the Presidency, and this is why he has been connecting with the type of voters that one would have thought would never vote for a black man just five years ago. These voters will vote for Obama because through his demeanor and his words he has shown that he is just like them.
Perhaps you might not find Bubba him hanging out with Obama on a Saturday night, but at least if Barack and Michelle stopped off at Bubba’s favorite bar on the way home from a Broadway play they would surely be greeted by Bubba and his friends and Barack might even share a beer with the guys while Michelle exchanges recipes with Mrs. Bubba.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hi Rachel,
As one of your biggest fans I feel it’s up to me to bring attention to something you said during your appearance on Jay Leno which irritated me and I think irritated your other fans as well.
Early on Mr. Leno asked you if you were liberal and you gave this long drawn out answer about how nowadays the words “liberal” and “conservative” have different meanings and all of that.
I found this answer frustrating because everyone knows you are a liberal and that you champion liberal causes and when they write your epitaph in that first paragraph it will describe you as a liberal.
Now your response to Jay Leno’s question is not unusual. In the last 25 years those of the left have gotten into the habit of denying their true feelings and giving vague answers as to what direction of the political spectrum they fall in.
Michael Dukakis couldn’t even say he was a liberal, and in recent years even Norman Lear did not wanted to admit he is a liberal.
Should we be ashamed that we are liberals? Of course not. We especially shouldn’t be ashamed since those on the right will always identify who they are and say they are conservatives through and through.
This is why the Rush Limbaugh’s and the Sean Hannity’s of the world are so popular. Sure they have wacky and dangerous ideas but they know who they are and they connect with a wide audience because the audience can see they are genuine. They can see they are the real deal.
Is a liberal for big government? Of course we are. If it means being governed by a Harvard law graduate instead of those one finds at a McCain/ Palin political rally then yes, we are liberals and proud of it.
You see Rachel, this is the stance you must take. Like a conservative you have to state your true beliefs and your true identity so everyone around you knows who you are and what you stand for. For you and other liberals not to say proudly that you are a liberal is kind of like Pete Best not admitting he had a little bad luck in his life. You see what I mean?
Well, that’s all I have to say. Keep up the good work
As one of your biggest fans I feel it’s up to me to bring attention to something you said during your appearance on Jay Leno which irritated me and I think irritated your other fans as well.
Early on Mr. Leno asked you if you were liberal and you gave this long drawn out answer about how nowadays the words “liberal” and “conservative” have different meanings and all of that.
I found this answer frustrating because everyone knows you are a liberal and that you champion liberal causes and when they write your epitaph in that first paragraph it will describe you as a liberal.
Now your response to Jay Leno’s question is not unusual. In the last 25 years those of the left have gotten into the habit of denying their true feelings and giving vague answers as to what direction of the political spectrum they fall in.
Michael Dukakis couldn’t even say he was a liberal, and in recent years even Norman Lear did not wanted to admit he is a liberal.
Should we be ashamed that we are liberals? Of course not. We especially shouldn’t be ashamed since those on the right will always identify who they are and say they are conservatives through and through.
This is why the Rush Limbaugh’s and the Sean Hannity’s of the world are so popular. Sure they have wacky and dangerous ideas but they know who they are and they connect with a wide audience because the audience can see they are genuine. They can see they are the real deal.
Is a liberal for big government? Of course we are. If it means being governed by a Harvard law graduate instead of those one finds at a McCain/ Palin political rally then yes, we are liberals and proud of it.
You see Rachel, this is the stance you must take. Like a conservative you have to state your true beliefs and your true identity so everyone around you knows who you are and what you stand for. For you and other liberals not to say proudly that you are a liberal is kind of like Pete Best not admitting he had a little bad luck in his life. You see what I mean?
Well, that’s all I have to say. Keep up the good work
When the great heavyweight champion Joe Louis was fighting at one point he was facing opponents once a month and he held such dominance over his various opponents that those boxers became known as members of the “Bums of the Month Club.”
Were the opponents of Joe Louis that bad or was Joe Louis that great? This is one of the questions boxing fans still argue about, and I predict that when this election is over and Barack Obama does win the big debate that political historians will ponder over was whether or not Barack Obama was one of the greatest political leaders in history? Or was his path to power made easier because of the ineptness of his political opponents?
First Hillary ran a bad campaign and now John McCain is making her look like she knew what she was doing.
Both opponents of Obama have strayed away from their original messages and they seem at a loss at how to deal with him.
The question of experience doesn’t seem to work, and you can’t use change because that’s Obama’s message, and you can’t even brag about being a Maverick because nothing spells maverick like a young Senator from Illinois who seemed to come out of nowhere.
So how does one beat Barack Obama? Well, like the owl said of the lollipop……. The world may never know.
Were the opponents of Joe Louis that bad or was Joe Louis that great? This is one of the questions boxing fans still argue about, and I predict that when this election is over and Barack Obama does win the big debate that political historians will ponder over was whether or not Barack Obama was one of the greatest political leaders in history? Or was his path to power made easier because of the ineptness of his political opponents?
First Hillary ran a bad campaign and now John McCain is making her look like she knew what she was doing.
Both opponents of Obama have strayed away from their original messages and they seem at a loss at how to deal with him.
The question of experience doesn’t seem to work, and you can’t use change because that’s Obama’s message, and you can’t even brag about being a Maverick because nothing spells maverick like a young Senator from Illinois who seemed to come out of nowhere.
So how does one beat Barack Obama? Well, like the owl said of the lollipop……. The world may never know.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Remember in the ’96 campaign when Bob Dole fell off the stage?
In retrospect this essentially sealed the deal for Bill Clinton’s re-election because no matter your politics no one wants a man who falls off the stage.
Of course it was an accident what happen to Bob Dole and yes it could have happen to anyone. It could have happen to me. But if it did happen to me I assure you my chances of becoming President would over. Just like they were for Bob Dole.
Earlier today John McCain referred to his fellow citizens as his fellow prisoners.
It was a gaffe and if it videotape makes its way on Youtube and on the national news it just might mean the end for Mr. McCain.
Is it fair? Probably not, but like Mr. Dole’s fall it gives a glimpse at the frailties of a candidate and the candidate might not be able to survive that scrutiny.
Would the same be said of Barack Obama tripped and fell or mixed up his words? Perhaps not, because fair or unfair Barack Obama is not seen in the same light as his opponent.
In retrospect this essentially sealed the deal for Bill Clinton’s re-election because no matter your politics no one wants a man who falls off the stage.
Of course it was an accident what happen to Bob Dole and yes it could have happen to anyone. It could have happen to me. But if it did happen to me I assure you my chances of becoming President would over. Just like they were for Bob Dole.
Earlier today John McCain referred to his fellow citizens as his fellow prisoners.
It was a gaffe and if it videotape makes its way on Youtube and on the national news it just might mean the end for Mr. McCain.
Is it fair? Probably not, but like Mr. Dole’s fall it gives a glimpse at the frailties of a candidate and the candidate might not be able to survive that scrutiny.
Would the same be said of Barack Obama tripped and fell or mixed up his words? Perhaps not, because fair or unfair Barack Obama is not seen in the same light as his opponent.
Although the mainstream media refuses to touch this subject, the big question following last night’s debate was who exactly was the elderly man who was seen wandering the stage during last night’s presidential debate in Nashville.
According to my sources in Nashville the old man was neither the actor Wilford Brimley nor was it the old man from “The Benny Hill Show.”
As viewers saw last night this man apparently either got up from his seat in the audience and started pacing around the stage, or he somehow someway slipped pass the Secret Service and was able to gain access to the studio where the live taping was taking place.
So far neither the event officials, nor the Secret Service have made any comment as to the identity of this man who was obviously very old and looked very much like a man in need of a good bowel movement.
This reporter will keep you informed as more details concerning this old man come to light.
According to my sources in Nashville the old man was neither the actor Wilford Brimley nor was it the old man from “The Benny Hill Show.”
As viewers saw last night this man apparently either got up from his seat in the audience and started pacing around the stage, or he somehow someway slipped pass the Secret Service and was able to gain access to the studio where the live taping was taking place.
So far neither the event officials, nor the Secret Service have made any comment as to the identity of this man who was obviously very old and looked very much like a man in need of a good bowel movement.
This reporter will keep you informed as more details concerning this old man come to light.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The second debate has just ended and I think Obama won.
I think he won because McCain didn’t bring anything new to the table. There were no game changers on his behalf.
I did not hear anything new from McCain. The attacks he made on Obama were attacks made before.
Also, he didn’t bring up Bill Ayres which he and Palin have been talking about for the last few days.
I think that was a mistake because there’s like two different McCain’s.
I think the high-light for Obama came when he brought up McCain using the “Bomb, bomb Iran” song again.
I think that’s the best thing Obama can do because I think talking about that resonates with the voters. They understand how silly and dangerous it is when politicians do talk in that manner.
Why was McCain walking around the stage so much? Did people notice that?
And did you notice how much McCain was writing down on his notepad and at times reading from it?
BOTTOM LINE: No game changer from McCain. Thus, Obama wins.
I think he won because McCain didn’t bring anything new to the table. There were no game changers on his behalf.
I did not hear anything new from McCain. The attacks he made on Obama were attacks made before.
Also, he didn’t bring up Bill Ayres which he and Palin have been talking about for the last few days.
I think that was a mistake because there’s like two different McCain’s.
I think the high-light for Obama came when he brought up McCain using the “Bomb, bomb Iran” song again.
I think that’s the best thing Obama can do because I think talking about that resonates with the voters. They understand how silly and dangerous it is when politicians do talk in that manner.
Why was McCain walking around the stage so much? Did people notice that?
And did you notice how much McCain was writing down on his notepad and at times reading from it?
BOTTOM LINE: No game changer from McCain. Thus, Obama wins.
One of the last things I remember Tim Russert talking about was that how it would be up to the news media to make sure that both campaigns stayed on the up and up.
This was I believe right after Obama clinched the nomination and the race between Obama and McCain was about to get underway.
I can’t remember his exact words but basically he warned his colleagues at NBC and thus the entire nation that the campaign could fall into the abyss if the participants were not careful. If the press did not do their jobs.
I’ve thought about Tim Russert’s warning as I watched the McCain campaign become not only desperate in their attempt to go after Obama but downright sad as well.
Where is the outrage from the press? This I cannot help but ask. Where are the on-air news personalities (aside from those on MSNBC) calling out John McCain? Why is the mud not being exposed for what it is?
As I write this the second debate is less than an hour away. The election is about a month.
Will our better halves prevail?
One can only hope.
This was I believe right after Obama clinched the nomination and the race between Obama and McCain was about to get underway.
I can’t remember his exact words but basically he warned his colleagues at NBC and thus the entire nation that the campaign could fall into the abyss if the participants were not careful. If the press did not do their jobs.
I’ve thought about Tim Russert’s warning as I watched the McCain campaign become not only desperate in their attempt to go after Obama but downright sad as well.
Where is the outrage from the press? This I cannot help but ask. Where are the on-air news personalities (aside from those on MSNBC) calling out John McCain? Why is the mud not being exposed for what it is?
As I write this the second debate is less than an hour away. The election is about a month.
Will our better halves prevail?
One can only hope.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Here’s how one guy can beat the other and vice versa.
Go for the jugular.
You’re in a strong position and now is the time to drive in the stake.
The McCain campaign is in disarray and you and your campaign can destroy them before we even get to November 4th.
How do you do it? When he attacks you attack back but you implement the Powell doctrine which is if the plans call for X number of soldiers you make sure you double that amount across the board.
He brings up Rezko and Jereimiah Wright, then you bring up his misstatements about Spain and question his judgment on choosing Palin.
Up until now going after McCain and his age has been a dicey proposition. Well, forget about that particular proposition. Have your surrogates in a smooth and silky fashion bring up whether or not he will actually live to serve out his term. How? Can’t help you on that. But like I say it has to be smooth andf silky.
The debate on October 7th will be crucial. If you can exact the fatal blow he will be down and he won’t get up.
Suggestion: BRING UP HIS TEMPERAMENT. Or in other words bring up the fact that John McCain can and will lose his temper as a President.
Will that affect his Presidency?
Does anyone want to take a chance?
First off, unlike Obama you are on the ropes.
Unlike Obama you can’t make foolish decisions.
The first thing you do is drop the whole idea of being a Maverick. Maybe you are and maybe you’re not. The bottom line though is that it’s not working.
You my friend know Washington and you know what will work and what won’t work.
You have experience and you are going up against a man who has no experience. YOU GOT TO GET BACK TO THAT.
Also, do not portray Obama as unfit for the Presidency.
Somehow, someway get your message back to YOU, and I’m not talking about the POW McCain. I’m talking about the McCain who is a political leader. A political leader who in the past has been respected by politicians from both sides of the aisle and who is well respected throughout the world.
Obama? It is best for you at this point not even to mention him by name, and if you have to use his name use it as little as possible.
Why? You are Presidential. You see the big picture, and you are a man of dignity.
Go for the jugular.
You’re in a strong position and now is the time to drive in the stake.
The McCain campaign is in disarray and you and your campaign can destroy them before we even get to November 4th.
How do you do it? When he attacks you attack back but you implement the Powell doctrine which is if the plans call for X number of soldiers you make sure you double that amount across the board.
He brings up Rezko and Jereimiah Wright, then you bring up his misstatements about Spain and question his judgment on choosing Palin.
Up until now going after McCain and his age has been a dicey proposition. Well, forget about that particular proposition. Have your surrogates in a smooth and silky fashion bring up whether or not he will actually live to serve out his term. How? Can’t help you on that. But like I say it has to be smooth andf silky.
The debate on October 7th will be crucial. If you can exact the fatal blow he will be down and he won’t get up.
Suggestion: BRING UP HIS TEMPERAMENT. Or in other words bring up the fact that John McCain can and will lose his temper as a President.
Will that affect his Presidency?
Does anyone want to take a chance?
First off, unlike Obama you are on the ropes.
Unlike Obama you can’t make foolish decisions.
The first thing you do is drop the whole idea of being a Maverick. Maybe you are and maybe you’re not. The bottom line though is that it’s not working.
You my friend know Washington and you know what will work and what won’t work.
You have experience and you are going up against a man who has no experience. YOU GOT TO GET BACK TO THAT.
Also, do not portray Obama as unfit for the Presidency.
Somehow, someway get your message back to YOU, and I’m not talking about the POW McCain. I’m talking about the McCain who is a political leader. A political leader who in the past has been respected by politicians from both sides of the aisle and who is well respected throughout the world.
Obama? It is best for you at this point not even to mention him by name, and if you have to use his name use it as little as possible.
Why? You are Presidential. You see the big picture, and you are a man of dignity.
Can we all agree that post-debate analysis is essentially useless? Can we all agree that in the minutes after a debate they should just run old cartoons?
So far after every debate the “experts” have been wrong. In the immediate aftermath of the first debate they said McCain won. Then the instant polls came out and they were proven wrong.
After the VP debate everyone gushed over Sarah Palin. That is until the instant polls once again proved otherwise.
So what’s the problem here?
Basically it’s the debates themselves. If the post-debate analysis is useless then we must go forward and question the validity of the debates in the first place.
Here’s how it is.
I’m an Obama supporter. I will vote for him in November and every night I pray that he will turn this country around.
Now what this means is that when I watch the debates it really doesn’t matter what Barack says because everything he says is okay with me.
I’m sure John McCain’s supporters feel the same way. This means that if one of them comes out with 666 stenciled into their forehead and the other starts yelling obscenities we as their supporters are going to applaud everything they say and do. But of course the Obama supporters will point out how bad McCain is and the McCain supporters will gladly point out how bad Obama is. But our guy? He’s just great.
Is there anything redeeming about debates?
I guess it depends on the moderator and this is another beef I have towards debates. My feeling is that for the most part the average moderator on your average debate is the kind of person who thinks it’s very important to be fair. As a result one candidate could advocate the overthrow of the country and the moderator will not press them on this point for fear of being “biased.”
What’s my idea of a good debate? Just have the two participants get on stage and let them have it. None of this 5 minute rule and then a rebuttal nonsense.
If it turns into a shouting match a’la the Jerry Springer show then so be it. Or if it turns into a civil discussion between two intelligent and reasonable candidates then that’ll be even better.
In the end it will be democracy in action.
For better or for words.
So far after every debate the “experts” have been wrong. In the immediate aftermath of the first debate they said McCain won. Then the instant polls came out and they were proven wrong.
After the VP debate everyone gushed over Sarah Palin. That is until the instant polls once again proved otherwise.
So what’s the problem here?
Basically it’s the debates themselves. If the post-debate analysis is useless then we must go forward and question the validity of the debates in the first place.
Here’s how it is.
I’m an Obama supporter. I will vote for him in November and every night I pray that he will turn this country around.
Now what this means is that when I watch the debates it really doesn’t matter what Barack says because everything he says is okay with me.
I’m sure John McCain’s supporters feel the same way. This means that if one of them comes out with 666 stenciled into their forehead and the other starts yelling obscenities we as their supporters are going to applaud everything they say and do. But of course the Obama supporters will point out how bad McCain is and the McCain supporters will gladly point out how bad Obama is. But our guy? He’s just great.
Is there anything redeeming about debates?
I guess it depends on the moderator and this is another beef I have towards debates. My feeling is that for the most part the average moderator on your average debate is the kind of person who thinks it’s very important to be fair. As a result one candidate could advocate the overthrow of the country and the moderator will not press them on this point for fear of being “biased.”
What’s my idea of a good debate? Just have the two participants get on stage and let them have it. None of this 5 minute rule and then a rebuttal nonsense.
If it turns into a shouting match a’la the Jerry Springer show then so be it. Or if it turns into a civil discussion between two intelligent and reasonable candidates then that’ll be even better.
In the end it will be democracy in action.
For better or for words.
Here are my predictions for Thursday night’s VP debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.
What you got to understand going into this debate is that the McCain campaign needs a game-changer. They need to throw a Hail Mary that actually works.
So in order to achieve this they will have Sarah Palin at one point in the debate drive home the fact that she is a mother of a special needs child and she will once again tell the audience----- and the American people------- that if elected to the White House she will be an advocate for children with special needs.
Then once the debate is over and the families come on stage look for “the first Dude” to walk up with their baby in his arms. This will be the crowning moment of the night.
I hope that I’m wrong on this but I wouldn’t be surprised if the moderator goes softball on us. There might be a few tough questions but I think for the most part the it will be easy for the Alaskan Governor and the only thing that could trip her up is if she goes on and on about a particular subject. After all, she does tend to ramble.
Don’t expect anything spectacular from Biden. He’s not going to say anything that will impress many people. Obama supporters will like what he says and McCain supporters will not. Joe will give the party line and he’ll walk away not causing any damage and not setting the world on fire.
This of course is a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning.
On the night before the VP debate both Palin and Biden will watch re-runs of Friday’s debate and they will memorize the parts that seemed to work for their running-mates.
Look for Palin to bring up Obama’s earmarks. Look for Biden to bring up the fact that McCain wouldn’t look at Obama.
Look for the audience to be more vocal. Of course they’re not suppose to but in this debate they will.
What you got to understand going into this debate is that the McCain campaign needs a game-changer. They need to throw a Hail Mary that actually works.
So in order to achieve this they will have Sarah Palin at one point in the debate drive home the fact that she is a mother of a special needs child and she will once again tell the audience----- and the American people------- that if elected to the White House she will be an advocate for children with special needs.
Then once the debate is over and the families come on stage look for “the first Dude” to walk up with their baby in his arms. This will be the crowning moment of the night.
I hope that I’m wrong on this but I wouldn’t be surprised if the moderator goes softball on us. There might be a few tough questions but I think for the most part the it will be easy for the Alaskan Governor and the only thing that could trip her up is if she goes on and on about a particular subject. After all, she does tend to ramble.
Don’t expect anything spectacular from Biden. He’s not going to say anything that will impress many people. Obama supporters will like what he says and McCain supporters will not. Joe will give the party line and he’ll walk away not causing any damage and not setting the world on fire.
This of course is a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning.
On the night before the VP debate both Palin and Biden will watch re-runs of Friday’s debate and they will memorize the parts that seemed to work for their running-mates.
Look for Palin to bring up Obama’s earmarks. Look for Biden to bring up the fact that McCain wouldn’t look at Obama.
Look for the audience to be more vocal. Of course they’re not suppose to but in this debate they will.
If you grew up in the 70’s, Paul Newman was the definition of movie star. He was cool as a man they called Luke and he could fool you like Henry Gondorff; a Chicago con-man who could play the Big Con better than anyone.
Newman started making movies in the 50’s and by the time of Watergate/Bell bottoms, and Disco he was the embodiment of Hollywood style and glamour and whether his movies were good or bad they were movies you had to see.
“Did you see the Paul Newman movie?” This was what moviegoers often found themselves asking. Not if you had seen a movie you would describe by its title or by the name of its director. A Paul Newman movie was a Paul Newman movie. It was simple as that.
My dad took me to see “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” on a day when it was just he and I.
It was a father-and-son outing with my Mom at home doing something with my sisters.
My Dad was a Paul Newman fan as were all fathers of that era. They were fans because they saw themselves in him the way my generation of men see themselves in the roles played by the likes of Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, and Tom Cruise.
Newman came from that generation which grew up in the shadow of the Depression and which came of age in the post-war years.
He cared about humanity and like a lot of our parents he stayed married to his wife for fifty years.
Paul Newman was also a race car driver and you believed that he loved auto racing not because it was “hip” and “cool” but because he simply loved it in a sincere and genuine fashion.
Our fathers saw this and so did their sons.
Paul Newman came from a generation which gave us Marlon Brando and James Dean. But unlike Brando he didn’t become eccentric in his old age and unlike Dean he didn’t have the desire to test the Gods of fate in a fashion which almost insured his own demise.
Paul Newman was the little guy who became a movie star. He was your average Joe who after all was said and done did what a lot of average Joe’s would at least try to do if given the chance.
He tried to do good work and a long the way he tried to make this a better place.
He more than succeeded on both accounts.
1925 to 2008
Newman started making movies in the 50’s and by the time of Watergate/Bell bottoms, and Disco he was the embodiment of Hollywood style and glamour and whether his movies were good or bad they were movies you had to see.
“Did you see the Paul Newman movie?” This was what moviegoers often found themselves asking. Not if you had seen a movie you would describe by its title or by the name of its director. A Paul Newman movie was a Paul Newman movie. It was simple as that.
My dad took me to see “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” on a day when it was just he and I.
It was a father-and-son outing with my Mom at home doing something with my sisters.
My Dad was a Paul Newman fan as were all fathers of that era. They were fans because they saw themselves in him the way my generation of men see themselves in the roles played by the likes of Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, and Tom Cruise.
Newman came from that generation which grew up in the shadow of the Depression and which came of age in the post-war years.
He cared about humanity and like a lot of our parents he stayed married to his wife for fifty years.
Paul Newman was also a race car driver and you believed that he loved auto racing not because it was “hip” and “cool” but because he simply loved it in a sincere and genuine fashion.
Our fathers saw this and so did their sons.
Paul Newman came from a generation which gave us Marlon Brando and James Dean. But unlike Brando he didn’t become eccentric in his old age and unlike Dean he didn’t have the desire to test the Gods of fate in a fashion which almost insured his own demise.
Paul Newman was the little guy who became a movie star. He was your average Joe who after all was said and done did what a lot of average Joe’s would at least try to do if given the chance.
He tried to do good work and a long the way he tried to make this a better place.
He more than succeeded on both accounts.
1925 to 2008
They have played their last game in Yankee Stadium.
By next year they will be playing in a new stadium and the old one will be obsolete.
This is not new in American life. Every day it seems we are faced with what we know and loved going away. We are faced with the mortality of life and everything associated with it.
Yankee Stadium is one of the oldest sports stadiums in the country, but yet we do not think of it in the same way we think of Fenway Park and Wrigley Field to name a few. When it comes to these ballparks we tend to see them as relics of the past. We have come to associate them with the glorious achievements of yesteryear.
When we look at Fenway Park we can still see Ted Williams running around the bases and daring not tipping his cap. When we look at Wrigley we can still see the likes of Ernie Banks. We can still see Ron Santo in all of his youth.
But the same can never be said of Yankee Stadium, for even though we are all familiar with the images from the black and white newsreel films, we instead think of Yankee Stadium as being in color. As being in high-definition.
When we think of Yankee Stadium we might know the past but we are definitely more familiar with the Here and Now. The names of Jeter, ARod, Joba, and Mariano mean something. These names represent the hope and promise of youth. They remind us that it is a little boy’s game after all.
***** ***** *****
In 1969, Yankee Stadium played host to Mickey Mantle Day.
It was the day that the great Yankee star said goodbye and as he stood on the field in front of a microphone wearing not a baseball uniform but a business suit he told the crowd that he could never understand how a man who knew he was going to die could say he was the luckiest man in the world. Now though he added, he could understand and he fully appreciated the words spoken by the late Lou Gehrig.
Now as the ballplayers leave the field for the last time and as the hot dog vendors disappear into a summer’s night, we can understand what Mickey Mantle meant. We can understand how privilege he felt wearing those Yankee pinstripes for we all felt privilege just watching him.
We felt this way because by rooting for the Yankees we were taking part in the American experience. An experience which span generations and told a tale which was truly reflective of our culture. All that is good, and sometimes even all that is bad.
But never once did we stop rooting.
Never once did we want it all to end.
For we were happy to be a part of it all.
We did feel as lucky as those ballplayers in pinstripes.
By next year they will be playing in a new stadium and the old one will be obsolete.
This is not new in American life. Every day it seems we are faced with what we know and loved going away. We are faced with the mortality of life and everything associated with it.
Yankee Stadium is one of the oldest sports stadiums in the country, but yet we do not think of it in the same way we think of Fenway Park and Wrigley Field to name a few. When it comes to these ballparks we tend to see them as relics of the past. We have come to associate them with the glorious achievements of yesteryear.
When we look at Fenway Park we can still see Ted Williams running around the bases and daring not tipping his cap. When we look at Wrigley we can still see the likes of Ernie Banks. We can still see Ron Santo in all of his youth.
But the same can never be said of Yankee Stadium, for even though we are all familiar with the images from the black and white newsreel films, we instead think of Yankee Stadium as being in color. As being in high-definition.
When we think of Yankee Stadium we might know the past but we are definitely more familiar with the Here and Now. The names of Jeter, ARod, Joba, and Mariano mean something. These names represent the hope and promise of youth. They remind us that it is a little boy’s game after all.
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In 1969, Yankee Stadium played host to Mickey Mantle Day.
It was the day that the great Yankee star said goodbye and as he stood on the field in front of a microphone wearing not a baseball uniform but a business suit he told the crowd that he could never understand how a man who knew he was going to die could say he was the luckiest man in the world. Now though he added, he could understand and he fully appreciated the words spoken by the late Lou Gehrig.
Now as the ballplayers leave the field for the last time and as the hot dog vendors disappear into a summer’s night, we can understand what Mickey Mantle meant. We can understand how privilege he felt wearing those Yankee pinstripes for we all felt privilege just watching him.
We felt this way because by rooting for the Yankees we were taking part in the American experience. An experience which span generations and told a tale which was truly reflective of our culture. All that is good, and sometimes even all that is bad.
But never once did we stop rooting.
Never once did we want it all to end.
For we were happy to be a part of it all.
We did feel as lucky as those ballplayers in pinstripes.
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